Northwest Indiana
Ph: (219) 934-2800
Fax: (219) 934-2810
Ph: (312) 666-4700
Fax: (312) 666-4788
South Suburbs
Ph: (708) 474-8282

Networking Service  


  When you get a digital system from Gateway, we do more than just sell it to you. Our Systems Integration Specialist can connect it to your network or PC.

Even if you have an information solutions team on hand, Gateway’s systems integration specialists have strong network and computer knowledge plus in-depth knowledge of our products. This makes them particularly qualified to ensure that the system is connected correctly for your environment and your particular applications.

Whether you’re connected to a multifunction device, a color copier, or a network laser printer, Gateway’s Systems Integration Specialists are available before the sale to answer your questions about connectivity, compatibility and to help you plan the best digital solution for your environment. And, after the sale, they can either implement the solution by connecting the system to your PC or network, or assist your IT department with this task. Gateway’s System Integration service is one more way Gateway brings customers solutions.

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